A Retro Bathroom from matixbathroom
Natural Color for Window Treatment on Minimalist Room

Insulate Your Window with Wood or Metal Blind

Minimalist Living Room with Warm Color

Defending the Electronic Frontier

I am extremely behind the times on this, but I hope all of my Bay Area readers spent some time at the Steampunk Salon at the Maker Faire earlier this month. One of the things on display there was this painting by artist Suzanne Rachel Forbes.
Suzanne is selling prints of the painting as a fundraiser for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which you do support, don't you?
The painting is full of objects and symbols of the computer era -- an incredible amount of detail and thought:
She is defending early implements of the computer revolution, Jacquard punch cards and IBM cards, a CDV of Ada Byron, and Charles Babbage’s Difference Engine No. 2. An apple core represents Turing, eaten up by the intolerance of his era.
Also prominently displayed are some wonderful modern creations- The Steampunk Laptop by Datamancer and the Steampunk Flatpanel and Keyboard by Jake Von Slatt- who were kind enough to allow me use their work in the painting. The packet-sniffing rat under the desk is a nod to the EFF’s most recent victory; the EFF logo appears among the luggage stickers on the trunk.
I'm not quite sure how effective an antique Chinese crossbow is at defense in the virtual world, but I like the style.
Best Bedroom Design with Feng Shui

Second, The position of bedroom location, there are much feng shui principes for the position of things especially bedroom, try not to position your bed under the lower angle of a pitched ceiling, a ceiling fan or a heavy beam to avoid "depressing energy", avoid positioning your bed under a window, which lacks the symbolic support and protection of a solid wall and can lead to fitful sleep as energy enters and exits through the window. Third, try to choose pieces with soft lines and curvilinear forms. "Square corners have too much pointed energy and can create a 'sharp' environment".

Five, Create a Space for Couples, even when it comes to bedroom furnishings and decor. "Having only one nightstand or space on only one side of the bed to climb in and out is very symbolic of solitude, and can actually hold your single status in place. These tips are adopted from hgtv.com, you can see more details there.
More Feng Shui ideas
Basic Japanese Room Design

Salvo Salvage

Reader Liz recently sent me these great salvage finds from a UK salvage operation called SalvoWEB. Her best find? The interior fittings of a Welsh Victorian Chemist Shop. (It would make a lovely kitchen, if you have a spare £10,000.)

The wall mounted fuel dispenser would make interesting wall art -- I wonder if it could be detoxified enough to safely dispense imbibables?

They have lots of other fine things -- mahogany bars, glass bottle collections -- so take a look around. I also noticed they're hosting a Salvage Fair June 27th at Knebworth, Hertfordshire, which would be worth a trip if you're anywhere in the vicinity. (And grace us with a report, please...)
Modern furniture for minimalist office

Shoji Japanese Traditional Sliding Door and Screen

Harmonie intérieure
For the steampunk engineer, an early suspension bridge:

For the explorer:

This one is reminiscent of Verne's Mysterious Island:

Modern Lamp Design for Children Studying Room

Builder's Studio

Pete is a prolific artisan, with an Etsy shop under the name of Builder's Studio that's chock full of science fiction objects created mostly in wood. There's lots to love -- darling robotic wedding cake toppers, ray guns, full size canes, etc.
My favorites were the orreys

or the small dangles. (I like the idea of using these for the end of a hanging ceiling fan chain or as a lamp finial).

We'll also keep an eye on Pete's shop as the holidays roll around -- he makes Christmas ornaments, too!
Traditional Kitchen Design with Antique Furniture

Purple Bedroom With Cartoon Picture for Your Teen
Bas Relief Clockwork Tile
Photo-Form LLC will take a picture of anything and turn it into a tile. This is one of their examples.
Maximizing your Interior Design with Best Carpet
Natural Cotton |
Tiles carpet is a special carpet that we can configure it's part so we don't need to cut the carpet and eazy to configure like the shapes and the size of the room.
Carpet Tiles |
This carpet is completed with a special rug pad to prevent slipping, when the rubber hits the rug, you'll realize this is the best pad on the market. Flame retardant Synthetic rubber.
Non Sleep Carpet |
So, we can choose thoose carpet as we like. I recomend you to choose a special one, so we can sure that our carpet is different with the other.
Natural Lighting for Best Home Design
Best Unique and Modern Table Design for Minimalist Design

The Treasure Trove at RadioGuy
What does this collection entail? "Oddball and scary scientific stuff, globes, industrial masks and helmets, motors, contraptions, classroom demonstration models, tools, nautical, medical, lighting, early advertising, electrostatic devices, telephones, telegraphs, planeteria, patent and design models, steam engines, microscopes, salesman samples, anatomical, x-ray tubes, artist mannequins, microphones, and early radio equipment." Whew -- a little bit of everything, all of it different and wonderful.
Here's three of my favorites, but you should definitely visit his entire site and waste an enjoyable hour of your day exploring it.
A static electricity generator (could it be from the 1700s, as the filename implies?)

A granite and brass reostat.

Housewise, most of these are great collections, accessories, etc., if you could find similar things through eBay or antiques dealers. The lighting section, however, is full of great ideas for functional antique industrial lights for your home.
p.s. The masks and mortician models in the museum section are not to be missed if you have a taste for the slightly macabre.
More of the Edison Bar
I wish I could have been there, it looks like a lovely time.
Previous Edison Bar Posts:
Edison Bar Analyzed
Interview with Andrew Meieran of the Edison Bar
Cog Etched Glasses

Best Apartment Interior Design with Pink Color

Scissor Arm Lamps

Every since I posted this kitchen picture almost a year ago, I have been yearning for some wall lamps like the ones shown for my bedside table. At the time, I could only find one similar lamp on an antiques website, and they were described as "concertina arm" lamps. Recently, however, I discovered another name for them -- "scissor arm lamps -- and have since been able to find many other versions that I thought I would share with you.
Most of these are dearly held antiques, like this first from Found Objects of Industry:

The best collection is from RadioGuy:

And if the sconce doesn't do it for you, how about a floor lamp?

Or a desk lamp?

I also just spotted this type of lamp used *exactly* the way I want to use it by designers Nickey Kehoe

The good news with these scissor arm lamps is they are making a comeback, so they are available in moderate prices from at least two sources (mark my words -- I'm betting Pottery Barn or Restoration Hardware will have these within a year...).
The first is a slightly more modern interpretation:

I don't care for the shade, but it's only $160 at Lamps Plus. (It looks black, but it's actually a leaded bronze finish.)
The other is from previously mentioned hometown favorites Architects and Heroes. There's no price listed, but I would guess less than $300 based on the prices of their other sconces.

Aren't they fun? And practical? Just imagine how much more space you'll have for books (or a Nixie Tube Clock) on your bedside table when you mount one of these above it. I know I am!
One door spacesaver for minimalist bathroom
Metal Furniture on Modern Home Design