Dreams Home Lucky
Our tour, guided by Ms. Black...
The bookshelf, closed
And now, open into the sorta secret library.
The secret door from the other side.
The hidden door is from hiddendoors.com and installed by our
contractor during the renovation. There are a few other small hidden things in our house, but this is really the most fun.
Looking into the library. There is a speakeasy door (ed. note: a door with a small window hole in it that can be opened to see who is on the other side.) on the other side, that leads outside -- the library is in the basement, but it's a walk-out basement -- which is why the library can only be sort of secret.
I try to keep The Steampunk Home, well, "home" focused, and USB drives are a bit outside of the home. (Mine are most in use when I'm *away* from my home.) but these two were too good not to share.
Carl Ulrich sent me this one:
I took an old flash drive and with the aid of a 2 dollar cigar for the
glass tube I made my own vacuum tube flash drive. The entire project
took under an hour and costs under 5 dollars.
I love simple steampunk projects!
This one, made by Dave Barton's dad, is not so simple, but oh so beautiful: