This is the first class cabin (if you can't tell from the occupant -- a beautiful dancing automaton) which was very luxurious if a bit risque with it's red upholstery, a hookah pipe (out of sight), a writing desk, bookshelves, and a lamp that added a touch of the fantastic to the whole proceedings.
The crew quarters was more rough, with salvaged equipment that led one to doubt the stability of the engines, and science experiments that glowed, squirmed, and made one quite tipsy.
Mr. Brumfield and I went as engineers with the railroad in the American West -- saved us from having to maintain English accents, you know -- and allowed us to sneak on board with our weapons (side rule, level, pocket scale, stopwatch, and many pocket watches) which the lax security decided did not qualify as weapons of mass destruction. (Silly them.)
Our thanks to the sinister Doc Sinister, the Lovely Mdme Rosamund, and Lady Lucrezia of the wonderfully cast resin trilobite for a lovely event.