Stuck for Christmas gift ideas? You may want to check out my Steampunk Home Kaboodle list, where I stick everything I stumble across that suits the steampunk home.
Shopping Opportunities
I try to focus more on inspiration than shilling products here at The Steampunk Home, but I thought you might like to know the following.
First, Bombay is in the midst of bankruptcy, which means that their stores are liquidating and everything (last Thursday, at least) is 40% off. I saw clocks with exposed gears, large wall clocks, chairs upholstered with red "silk", etc. I've always thought Bombay had some nice steampunk options, so if there is one in your town, you may want to drop by. (And if you see any dark red velvet duvet covers, let me know!)
Second, Design Toscano is offering 10% off through December 20th. Perhaps you remember that Toscano is a favorite of SPH readers like Dr. Fabre? Simply enter the code "HOLIDAY10" when you check out. (Affiliate link.)
Stuck for Christmas gift ideas? You may want to check out my Steampunk Home Kaboodle list, where I stick everything I stumble across that suits the steampunk home.
Stuck for Christmas gift ideas? You may want to check out my Steampunk Home Kaboodle list, where I stick everything I stumble across that suits the steampunk home.