Viviane Galloway was so kind to point me to part of a
blog post on artist Robbii Wessen (on a blog called Temporary Insanity). The following is an excerpt:
I walked toward the Jefferson Market Library, and at the corner I was amazed to see a display of...Wunderkammer! Speak of the Devil; Wunder indeed! My interest in this sort of work was stimulated by Steampunk research, wherein I discovered many examples of shadow box art incorporating science and technology.
Turns out that the Ansonia Pharmacy was displaying an exhibit of works by the artist Robbii Wessen. An amazing artist whose works combine elements from nature with technical and industrial findings, resulting in a lovely blend of form, color and texture. I can not do them justice with words, so here are some pictures I took:
The exhibit is called Foundlings, and is at 6th Avenue and 10th St. until Jan. 27.