You may think I write this blog to entertain and inform all of you -- or because of the accolades that come with being the world's foremost authority on steampunk home decor (cough _none_ cough) -- when really, I write it for my own pleasure and research into how I'd like my home to be. (Your feedback, ideas, and compliments don't hurt, however!)

Take for instance, this post I wrote over two years ago, on
Steampunk Furnishings that don't exist but should, suggesting a line of plates with steampunk gadgets or machines on them.
Thaumata was browsing the archives (and that far back shows some real dedication), and commented thus:
I have a crazy china set that I think you'd like. It was made by a company called 222 fifth and the series is called Slice of Life. Each plate, salad plate and mug has a different illustration on them of any number of oddities. Unfortunately, they don't make them anymore so it can be kind of hard to get your hands on them. There was an airship mug I never did get my hands on.
I frequently found them still at places like Marshall's and the like, being sold off from the expensive department stores who were clearing them out.
I always envision a red, black and white kitchen that has them on prominent display.
Aren't they wonderful? From the pyramids to a futuristic city, with an airsteam on the moon in between?

222 FIFTH SLICE OF LIFE at Replacements, Ltd