The post on ways to hang pictures generated a lot of comments -- many people pointed out ways to upgrade the "pants hanger" -- darker wood, painting the metal, adding metal decorations to the wood, etc. The best idea, however, came from an email from Jen, who suggested using Victorian spring clips. You can see what they are and how Jen uses them above.

You can buy them at Lee Valley Hardware, where they come in 2 different styles. The drilled hole in the back lets you hang them on a nail.

Victorian Spring Clip. 4" long overall and 2-1/2" wide at the tip, it weighs about 7 oz. They are $6.20 for one, $4.49 if you buy 6 or more.

Cast Steel Spring Clip. The cast steel is a bit bigger at 4-1/4" long overall and 2-1/2" wide at the tip, it weighs about 6 oz. $8.80 for one, $7.10 for 6 or more.
For my purposes I think two at the corners of a large print (and perhaps two more at the bottom? I think I'll have to experiment...) would be as cheap as a poster frame, and walk the casual vs Victorian style line that I want my office to have.