as some of you may know I have done ceramics in school and is starting a new ceramics line - I am happy to announce that I will be selling some of them at the one of a kind show here in toronto. every year that show is very successful for us and to be able to launch a new product is very exciting. I will have them in the bookhou shop as well as etsy. more on that later.
at one point in my life I dreamed about being a potter and living in the country. Timothy Smith has a studio near the cottage called gleason brook pottery. I'm sure if you were a ceramics student at sheridan you would of interned with him. his studio is above his shop and his lovely house is behind the kiln building. I sometimes wonder if I could be away from the city - I'm sure I would enjoy it in the warmer weather. if you go visit gleason brook pottery and timothy happens to busy - no worries, you can have a browse and make your own change.