I'm feeling like I need to get real for a moment - this is not regarding any specific event or person
I'm not trying to make any kind of statement - I just want to tell you how I feel
sometimes things happen and you feel a certain way already and then something makes it surface.
I don't know if it's age or life itself, but I feel that people in general forget about kindness
the kind of kindness that comes out of you even if you don't get anything in return -
like helping a mom with a stroller on the bus
or holding the door open or treating others the way you want to be treated or respected
sometimes things happen and you feel a certain way already and then something makes it surface.
I don't know if it's age or life itself, but I feel that people in general forget about kindness
the kind of kindness that comes out of you even if you don't get anything in return -
like helping a mom with a stroller on the bus
or holding the door open or treating others the way you want to be treated or respected
I'm not a perfect person, I'm not the most talented, I'm not the most beautiful
but I give - like you couldn't imagine how I give, I give to strangers, I give to my family, I give to friends - I give so much that sometimes it hurts my heart.
when I write on this blog - I don't show all facets of myself - because it's so public and your subjected to praise and criticism
when I write on this blog - I don't show all facets of myself - because it's so public and your subjected to praise and criticism
I am sure of who I am and not afraid of criticism - I think it makes me a better maker.
I just don't like criticism that is meant to hurt - that is meant to harm - I don't know all of you out there and always enjoy meeting you at the craft shows and in the shop, but most of you remain anonymous to me - that's what makes the blogging
thing a bit weird - it's one sided.
I remember a question I was asked at my grad school interview in 1996 "tell us about yourself?"
I said with a big smile "there are things that I need to discover about myself, that's why I want to be here, what I know about myself is that I'm a really hard worker and love what I do and want to spend the rest of life putting what I feel on the inside in some kind of form - being it sculpture, printing or drawing....."
the above image is one of the first images I posted on the blog - a blog I started as a record of my journey and a journey I enjoy sharing with you everyday. hope this not too much real for you - I forget sometime that the internet is like the real world - I guess - I wish it's a different kind of world. thanks for reading - it made me feel better to write this - I just had to mention that a little bit of kindness goes a long way.
much love xxa
I said with a big smile "there are things that I need to discover about myself, that's why I want to be here, what I know about myself is that I'm a really hard worker and love what I do and want to spend the rest of life putting what I feel on the inside in some kind of form - being it sculpture, printing or drawing....."
the above image is one of the first images I posted on the blog - a blog I started as a record of my journey and a journey I enjoy sharing with you everyday. hope this not too much real for you - I forget sometime that the internet is like the real world - I guess - I wish it's a different kind of world. thanks for reading - it made me feel better to write this - I just had to mention that a little bit of kindness goes a long way.
much love xxa