Roulotte Playhouse

Here's a playhouse styled as a roulotte -- how incredible this would be if you were a kid.

More pictures at Miko Design via OhDeeDoh.

Stay in a Gypsy Caravan

Stardust reminded me of the awesomeness of gypsy caravans, also known as roulottes. Did you know there are lots of roulottes all over Provence, France that you can rent? Really! There's a great article on the history of the caravans -- and their resurgence -- in Travel and Leisure.

And here's a very long listing of roulettes to rent in France. The pictures here all came from those listings.


Did you see the movie Stardust? It's a sweet fairy tale, but the eye candy by production designer Gavin Bocquet is what sold me.

Bright, colorful marketplaces.

Shops that sell lightning (to airship pirates!)

Spooky Grand Halls

Gypsy Caravans

And did I mention airship pirates?

Pharmacy Style, part II

Victorian Pharmacy is a new BBC series recreating the work of an actual Victorian Pharmacy (minus the opium and arsenic, of course).

Here's a video with great shots of the interior.

Thanks to Robert Williams Hitchin for pointing this out.

Colorful Smart Interior Design for Futuristic Living Room Designs

Colorful Smart Interior Design for Futuristic Living Room Designs
I love very much this futuristic living room design, This is the  “Smart-ologic Corian® Living” that design with colorful and sophisticated interior lighting installation, designed by Karim Rashid that released his design correlated with futuristic living room concept for our future, karim rashid shown us to to decorate and renovate new futuristic living room concept like a sample in photos. decorating living room today didn't concern on how to design our living room look modern but also we have to think about eco-friendly furniture we used to renovate our living room. via
Colorful Smart Interior Design for Futuristic Living Room Designs

Colorful Smart Interior Design for Futuristic Living Room Designs

Colorful Smart Interior Design for Futuristic Living Room Designs

Colorful Smart Interior Design for Futuristic Living Room Designs

Pharmacy Style, part I

I seem to know two young people studying to be pharmacists, and two inspirational images of pharmacy inspired interiors came across my desk recently -- I thought budding pharmacists would be as interested in old fashioned, romantic, pharmacy inspired living as I am in difference engines and abacuses.

Here's the first -- the creative workspace of Elizabeth Maxson, featured in Where Women Create, May 2010. She uses a painted drug store cabinet to hold all of her supplies (above).

I love this dispensing decanter -- Ben thinks we ought to use a collection of these to set up a bar!

An old drugstore sign... with calipers hanging off of it!

Pipes in the bathroom (of course!)

I'm on a pipe kick... here's a set of bathroom fixtures by Roman and Williams, used in the Ace Hotel Portland. A hook, a towel bar, and a toilet paper holder. The glossy black finish elevates it to a less raw, more finished piece.

More Pipes

Here's another good use of piping -- as a curtain rod, with burlap curtains. The extra long curtain rod -- across the entire window wall -- gives it more impact (and lets you mount it "straight on").

Pic by Leigh Davis for the nytimes via.

Piping Hot Book Caddy

Here's a neat project that could be easily steampunk'd: The Merry Go Round Book Caddy recently feature on Ohdeedoh. Stain the wood and paint the pipes brass and you'd have a rotating spot almost anywhere -- kitchen, bathroom, library, table....

Full instructions here.

The Brain by Olson Kundig

I've had this very creative modern-with-industrial touches workspace -- called The Brain -- by Olson Kundig Architects since I saw it 2(!) years ago on Apartment Therapy.

It was built in 2002, which means it predates any real life steampunk inspired home design I can think of.

The Brain by Olson Kundig

I've had this very creative modern-with-industrial touches workspace -- called The Brain -- by Olson Kundig Architects since Allison pointed it out 2(!) years ago on Apartment Therapy.

It was built in 2002, which means it predates any real life steampunk inspired home design I can think of.

Clockwork Cupcakes

In my steampunk home, baking is a favorite pursuit (I consider one of the most accessible ways of "making", especially for steampunklets...) So, a bit off topic, but if your baking endeavors need some steampunking let me share geekinesis' clockwork cupcake wrapper.

The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec

IndigoViolet suggested we might enjoy this eye candy -- a French file that looks "fantastic" in the very traditional sense of the word...

Doktor A's Studio Tour

You may be familar with Doktor A from his creation Pac Gentleman, but what you may not know is that this gentleman artisan has recently shared a studio tour in two posts on his blog.

The writing desk corner.

The working desk corner.

A stairway gallery wall of letter press cards.

A print case/wunderkammer full of curiosities.

The light switch at the top of the stairs.

See more pictures here and here.

Thanks, Allison!